The High Five Habit by Mel Robbins

Flipping self-doubt jealousy fear and unworthiness into powerful High-Five Habit by Mel Robbins

I used to think that my dreams were unattainable and would always be just that, dreams. But I recently listened to a book on Audible called The High Five Habit by Mel Robbins which completely changed my outlook on life and on myself. The book is about how to turn your self-doubt, jealousy, fear and unworthiness into motivation and push yourself to put your dreams into action not just keep them as pipe-dreams, but most importantly to believe in yourself.

When the pandemic started I had already lost most of my spark working a job I was not happy with, living in a house I was not happy living in and as time went on that little light I still had left was fading quickly.

If there’s anything that this book has taught me, it’s that we need to chase our dreams. We don’t know what tomorrow holds, so we might as well go after what we want today. And that’s exactly what I did.

I took her advice and put my dreams into action. I juggle a full-time job, raising my son, running a sheep farm from a distance and trying to open my small business but still keep my sanity (barely). But I do it because Robbins instilled this “can-do” attitude in me that I never had before. If you are thinking about reading The High Five Habit, I highly recommend it! And if you’re like me and thought your dreams were unattainable, think again! Dreams are meant to be achieved.

So how did I do it?

By using the High Five habit which is all about taking action. go! Whatever it is, just get up and do it. I took time out for myself if I had five minutes just to focus on what I wanted to achieve then 5 minutes it was. Within that time “MY TIME” I worked on writing down my goals for the day (my to-do-list), meditating or simply just taking some time out for me to appreciate me. The idea behind this habit is that if you take small steps every day towards what you want to achieve, eventually you’ll get there.

Step 1:

I started eating better, instead of a BLT in the morning I would have a smoothie. I found a great one: Reese Witherspoon’s green breakfast smoothie. You can listen to her IG feed, read or find the recipe here From processed foods to whole foods: The way I changed my diet for the better

It’s one of my favourites. I also joined a Smoothie Challenge. I’m farm strong but I’m not fit. There’s a difference so I started an exercise routine 3x a week at home.

Step 2:

I made a large batch of candles and sold them to friends and family and friends of family and friends. They were a hit and I sold out. At that point I was walking on a cloud. I just knew I had to do this. So I set out on the road mad to my success to end my career with my employer and go full force with my small business. There will be no turning back.

Step 3:

Believing in yourself and knowing the life you want is not an overnight process, it takes time and a lot of hard work. I high five myself and my heart whenever I need it, not just in the morning. I would recite my mantras “I got this” “I deserve this” “this is meant for me” whenever I needed to hear it I’m cheering myself on, I’m believing in myself. That’s what this book is about. If you can find that one thing that lights your fire and gets you out of bed in the morning, then nothing is stopping you from achieving anything you set your mind to.

If you’re looking for some motivation in your life, then I urge you to give this book a try: The High Five Habit by Mel Robbins (available on Amazon or at your local bookstore). It just might be the push you need to achieve your dreams.

I’m not going to lie, it’s tough. I have days where I don’t want to get out of bed, let alone put in the hard work to make my dreams a reality. But I remind myself that if I don’t do it, then who will? The next person will, and that’s what pushes me through the tough times.

So whatever your dreams are, big or small, start taking those first steps today whatever they are and see where they take you. You might be surprised at how far you can go.

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