Change Your Mindset & Let Go of the Fear

How I Changed Myself to Believe in Myself

People are creatures of habit, and oftentimes change can be a scary thing. It’s human nature to want things to stay the same, but that’s not always possible. In order to grow and improve as individuals, we must sometimes embrace change and bite the bullet and face our fears.

When change comes into our lives we can feel so many different emotions. We may feel scared, anxious, sad, or uncertain of what the future holds. Change can be a very difficult thing to go through but it can also be a blessing in disguise. When we are faced with change we have an opportunity to grow and learn new things

Change can bring new opportunities

This topic has been on my mind a lot lately. It’s something that we all struggle with at some point in our lives, and it’s called change. Change is hard. We all know that. It’s scary, it feels uncomfortable, and most of the time we really don’t want to do it. But the thing is, we have to. We have the power to start something new and to change our current trajectory. It will probably feel hard and uncomfortable, but you control that choice.

Don’t compare your beginning to someone else’s middle, Don’t compare your middle to someone else’s end.”

John Acuff

What do I mean by you controlling that choice? Well, it doesn’t matter what you start. It could be a new job, a new relationship, or even a new hobby. It might be slow at first, and you might not get anywhere close to your goal overnight, but as long as you don’t give up, that’s all that matters. Big goals never happen all at once. They are only the result of small steps taken consistently over time.

Take my situation for example. Never did I ever think I would have a website writing my own blog, but it was one of the goals I set for myself two + years ago. Yes, it took me over two years to get here, but I kept moving forward and taking small steps until I finally reached my goal, and here I am with my website writing a blog post. Who knew? I did because I believed in myself.

Believing in yourself is a big deal; it’s what drives you to take those small steps and to keep going when things get tough. It’s what helps you to become your own biggest supporter, and it’s what gives you the power to change.

So how do you work on gaining confidence and self-belief? Well, it’s not easy, but here are a few tips that worked for me:

  1. Stop comparing yourself to others– You are unique and you can’t be compared to anyone else. This is a hard one. We always look elsewhere and wonder why not me? But the truth is, you can’t be someone else and that’s okay. Let other people’s successes be your motivation.

One of my favourite chapters in The High 5 Habit is the chapter where Mel Robbins speaks about jealousy. With jealousy self talk you mentally shut the door on the life you want because someone else did it. You give up on yourself, Jealousy takes over and instead of cheering for the life you want you start to doubt yourself. Robbins goes on to explain that jealousy is an indicator that you CAN and that you SHOULD have what you’re craving by using tools to switch your mindset.

  1. Start accepting compliments– We tend to brush off compliments or downplay them. I couldn’t stand compliments at one point in my life then I craved compliments wanting recognition for my accomplishments but never got noticed or maybe people in my life did notice I just didn’t have the cheerleading squad I needed. But how did I turn this situation around to boost my confidence? I stopped waiting for someone to compliment me, and started tooting my own horn telling the people in my life and around me how great I am and believing it!

We tend to sit there and wait for someone in our life to recognize what we’ve done and praise us. What sucks is that we become disappointed when they don’t. Don’t wait for that moment, create it, you deserve it.

Once you begin to change the way you think, you will begin to inspire innovation that will help you to manifest greatness in your life.”

Germany Kent

  1. Manifest the life you want– yes I said it manifest. This one is a little woo-woo for some people, but I believe in it. If you start to think about the things you want in life and what that looks like for you, from the ground up then you are already on your way. The more you focus on these things, the more they will come to fulfilment.

I also strongly believe in The Law of Attraction. What you focus on expands. So if you’re constantly thinking about the things you don’t want in your life, guess what you will get more of? More things to not want. But if you focus on the good and what you do want, then that’s all you’ll ever get more of. For example;

  • You can choose to focus and think about the positive things you want more of in your life rather than the negatives.

  • You can choose to surround yourself with the things that make you feel good and happy rather than the things that bring you down.

  • You can choose to change your future by managing your thoughts, reactions, and feelings.

In short, it comes down to focusing, surrounding, and creating positive energy

  1. Set goals and then take small steps to achieve them– This one is a classic for a reason. If you want to achieve something, then you have to set a goal and put a plan in place. Break that goal down into small steps that you can take on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis, and then take action.

Each step that I made for myself was achievable and I could complete it in a short amount of time. By taking small steps, I was slowly but surely moving closer and closer to my goal and that built my confidence.

So there you have it! A few tips on how to work on gaining confidence and self-belief. It’s not easy, but with a little hard work and determination, you can do it! Remember, you are unique and amazing just the way you are! Believe in yourself and go get what you want in life!

-Set goals and then take small steps to achieve them

-Start accepting compliments

-Manifest the life you want

-Create a vision board of what that looks like for you

-Believe in yourself and go get what you want in life!

-Lana 🙂


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