Best Tips when Married to an Introvert

Lessons I learned through the years. I can tell you the beginning of our relationship was a bit of a challenge. My husband the extrovert loves being around people and he is what I like to call a social butterfly, while I the introvert would much rather stay home with a good book and alone time with my thoughts.
Change Your Mindset and Let Go

Change Your Mindset & Let Go of the Fear How I Changed Myself to Believe in Myself People are creatures of habit, and oftentimes change can be a scary thing. It’s human nature to want things to stay the same, but that’s not always possible. In order to grow and improve as individuals, we must […]
The High Five Habit

The High Five Habit by Mel Robbins Flipping self-doubt jealousy fear and unworthiness into powerful High-Five Habit by Mel Robbins I used to think that my dreams were unattainable and would always be just that, dreams. But I recently listened to a book on Audible called The High Five Habit by Mel Robbins which completely […]