
Where a city girl has embraced the country life with sheep, chickens,  roosters and more.  Where city people wanted to make a change for the better to live more of a sustainable life by getting back to basic

about me long road with trees


Instead of living under a cloud of smog or city lights, we now live under a sky of stars.  Our son plays in fields of grass instead of a cement backyard.  We are trying to slow down and inspire people who follow us to do the same.  

We are going to showcase our animals, recipes, DIY projects as well as gardening tips.

By showing how much we have learned over the last two years about sustainable living and reducing our carbon footprint, and eating by God’s design instead of out of boxes.

As 416 Farms grows, we will be adding more animals, bee and butterfly friendly flowers, and organic products such as soap, candles, wool and more.  When we begin to sell and ship our products, all packaging will be recycled paper and cardboard.  Absolutely no plastics.

416 Farms is just beginning our journey into an eco-friendly lifestyle and we invite you to join us by following us here, on the blog, on social media and by signing up for our Newsletter.

We hope you enjoy your visit.


Some of our favourite recipes can be found here.

Gardening Tips

Read all our latest gardening tips here.



We have three different breeds on our farm – Rideau Arcott, Suffolk and Texel.


Four types of chickens reside with us – Plymouth Rock, Blacks, ISA Reds & Selkies